Your thoughts are your energetic nutrition


We live in a world that is obsessed with the physical: body, face, skin, clothing. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of the physical self via balanced diet, exercise, skin health and overall presentation (I absolutely LOVE amazing skin care and fashion!). However, when all we do is focus and obsess about the physical sphere of our lives, we are neglecting other areas that help us to feel internally vibrant and joyful.

English author Rumer Godden speaks of an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. If we are only living in one room, cleaning it, re-arranging and upgrading it, what state are the other rooms in? How can we be a balanced whole person if we are neglecting these other parts of ourselves?

Before I became ill, all I did was focus on the physical – diet, exercise, obsessed with how I looked, trying to achieve this unachievable perfection. In my old mind I was never thin enough, never perfect enough, never toned enough, no part of my physical self was ever good enough in my mind. Then my physical-self began to fail me. My diet was immaculate, I exercised regularly, why wasn’t my system working?!

My physical body was not the issue. It was the emotional and spiritual spheres. I was severely malnourished in these areas. Starving. The toxicity of my thoughts toward myself, the inflammation that had grown in my body through each misaligned choice I had made over the years, people pleasing, as well as the stories and beliefs that were not my own, were the cause of my ailments. I had become so disconnected from my true essence and was definitely not a good friend to myself.

Take a look at your inner self/home. What areas need nourishment?

For me, I have spent six years nourishing my mental/emotional/spiritual health. While I continue to tend to these areas daily, I’m now also focusing on my physical strength. Weight training a few times a week... my back pain has disappeared! This time around, tending to the physical area isn’t about trying to attain any kind of perfection or look a certain way, it is about getting me to how I wish to feel: physically strong!

Take a look at your inner self/home. Are there any areas needing your love and attention?

Catherine x

Please note:

This has been my own personal journey and experience. I am in no way implying that physical ailments are all emotionally and spiritually based. Everyone is unique and different. Tending to each of these areas (Emotional, Spiritual, Physical & Mental) in a curious loving way has helped me create and feel inner harmony, health, empowerment, confidence, joy, connection, and peace in my life.